Wednesday 18 May 2011

Desription about my self

I was  born in 19 Decembers 1989 , and my name is Michael Morris Susilo and i was a only  son in my family.  my nationality is INDONESIA , yeah" there's nothing much to talk about me i just small guy in big 'DREAM' and talk about my  dream is to change the world with my movie, actually i want to be movie director in Hollywood in the future"

These 10 things are describe me :

1.Many people told me, i looks like Professor

2. I like to go and explore new Things in around the world

3.some times i can be lazy 

4.i can be serious sometime

5. and i can be evolved

6.and i looks like a ball Flexibly

7. My understanding fast like cheetah
8.My focus is deathly like bullet 
9.My passion is like PREDATOR

10.And i can See movie in My Mind
That's all about me thank i hope u guys enjoy and be my friend :)

Our lecture today teach us about web save area.when we open a browser we will see area which show the contain of the web.

And this some of the example of WEB save area :

This web save area show in Google Chrome browser in 800 x 600 Resolution
800 x 600

This web save area show in Google Chrome browser in 1680 x 1580 Resolution

1680 x1580

As we can see  big difference between 800 x600 and 1680 x 1580  the view is more pix elated in 800 x 600 and it's zooming so we have a limited view of the web it self"

And after that the lecture ask us to do friend in pixel using photoshop,and this result of my friend
Lee Yee Liangz

is the picture of Him.." :)
Cute ^ ^

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